Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Faith if the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 NKJV


Let me introduce myself. I’m a Christian, a wife, mother, grandmother, counselor, and writer. I’m starting this blog to share my written thoughts. I write much better than I talk. I really do. Words flow out of me when I write. It surprises even me. (Yes, I also can edit them when they’re written.)

I’ve been journaling for years and have nuggets from this source to share. I also wrote a newspaper advice column for eighteen years and will share excerpts from my column. I love to read, so I’ll review and recommend the books I like best. For the last year I’ve been writing a book about changes in churches today. You may hear about this also.

Choosing Change

Starting this blog is exciting and scary. It’s something I’ve never done before. I’m choosing change. I wrote on this topic in my weekly Family Counselor column in 1999. Here’s an excerpt:
Three things will change the direction of our lives: Crisis, Chance and Choice. When we face a crisis such as a life threatening illness, our priorities radically change. We are shaken to the core and forced to break out of our old habits, thoughts and beliefs. A crisis is a type of conversion. We see the world in a different way and we handle life differently.

We are changed by chance when something outside of us impacts our life. For example, our life changes by chance when we win the lottery or are struck by lightning. Change that occurs as a result of chance is not something we can plan or make happen. Nor can we be sure of the direction it will take us.

Changes that occur as a result of choice are the best kind. With choice we are using our free will to make decisions that will move us in a new direction in life. What greater thrill! Changes that we choose are positive ones, they are changes we’ve yearned for, prayed for and worked for.

Why is change so difficult and why do we backslide so? Doing something we’ve never done takes us out of our comfort zone. Choosing change involves risks. Doing something new or different takes more effort than our usual routines. We “relapse” because the new way is more difficult or feels scary. We also “relapse’ because that’s the way most of us change. We don’t change in a straight line always getting better. Change is more likely to be a progression, three steps forward and one step back.

When we backslide we need to accept it and learn from it. What thought or feeling made us fall down? Our relapses give us valuable information on why we go back to our old ways. We also need to accept the fact that we’re human and we will fall short at times. Just start over and work your plan. Each time we pick ourselves up and begin again we grow stronger and more consistent in our new behavior.

Learn to motivate yourself toward your goals. Keeping a journal detailing your progress and your setbacks can help. A positive attitude is essential. Focus more on your successes than on your failures. Change is necessary. Without change we don’t grow. Crisis or chance may force us to change if we don’t choose to change.

I would add, seek God’s will and he will guide and direct your change.

This wasn’t so hard. I’ve chosen change. I now have a blog!

Blessings, Dottie

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